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BBC One's varied promotion of the identity

About bbc's mARKETING

Conventionally, BBC UK channels do not release common promotional material such as posters or billboards. However, they do have their own specific styles of marketing, including the release of in-house trailers on their own channels and online, and extensive promotional website pages for each series that they produce. This allows for The Identity to be marketed in the UK through what would appear to be a BBC One trailer, and pages on the channel's website.

BBC One Youtube Trailer

Through creating an image that appears to be BBC One's own trailer for The Identity, presented on their YouTube channel, this allows for realistic representations of the series being broadcast on BBC One, with the channel broadly promoting their new series.

To fit with the conventions of BBC's advertising, realistic screenshot-style images were created to portray pages that promote The Identity on the BBC website. This is typical of all BBC One shows and provides a clear insight into the series' content, images, clips, interviews and characters. Achieving a realistic, professional and entertaining appearance that the audience could use and gather insight from. 


Each page's image was created using the BBC's genuine fonts and layouts, paired with The Identity's promotional images, concept images and opening titles screenshots. fabricated content such as interviews, and online cast and crew images.

BBC One Promotional Website Pages

Home Page

Episodes Page

Clips Page

Characters Page

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